Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Please DO NOT WASTE Food! -call 1098 , Another spam mail. Please don't do this.

Often I came to receive following mail

'Please DO NOT WASTE Food!
If you have a function/party at your home in INDIA and food gets wasted, don't hesitate to call 1098 - Child Helpline. They will come and collect the food.
"Helping hands are better than Praying Lips"'

This is another spam mail we are getting more frequently. I insist to my friends and acquaintanc to validate such mails before forwarding them. this takes very little time to validate such mails. Just google about these mails and you will immediately come to know about it's authenticity. Forwarding these type of mails has two major disadvantages
1. We are mislguiding another persons
2. We are increasing network traffic

After googling about this mail I came to know that [1098] is India's only and most widespread Children's phone emergency outreach service] for children in need of care & protection. But they do not pick up food or distribute food. This mail is a spam , kindly do not circulate it. You can see the Caution warning of the site of Childhelpline also to avoid this mail. This no. must be used if you find something wrong is happening with any child.

For more information about this Childhelpline please go to the and you can easily see the caution warning regarding this mail.



  1. every1 should have to save (1098) this number.

  2. Yes, Everyone must save this Childline No. [1098] but not to call for waste food but If u come to know about mis-happening with any child near you.

  3. hmm .... ppl letz start with it .... letz help the world .

  4. Imspiring information n everyone need to gain such type of information.shouldn't we think about the person who are responsible for this misguiding activities.

  5. Good one Gopesh good to see that someone is putting efforts to put forth truth.
